Clear your area of winter debris
As snow and ice disappear they leave behind a lot of debris that is both unattractive and unsafe.
Our Toolcat Power Sweeping service is ideal for…
- Parking lots
- Condo roadways
- Schools
- Walkways
Landscape Plus will clean your areas of winter debris and sanding chips. This service can be provided in the off hours, before or after business hours or on weekends.
We clear all the hard to get corners by hand. Then for the open areas, we use a Toolcat with sweeper/bucket attachment. This attachment keeps the dust to a minimum.
Prices start at $150.per sweeping location.
Book your Toolcat Power Sweeping service now, we will begin work as soon as the snow has melted!
403 934 4421 | info@landscape-plus.net
Serving Wheatland County: Strathmore, Langdon, Lyalta, Speargrass, Carseland, Cheadle